sinieswoodfactory / 0 Comments /Instructions for Use and Maintenance of the Wooden Casings
The wooden casings need a minimum maintenance. More specifically, you have to clean the external surface of the casings -especially the connection points (angles), once a month.
Avoid the use of chlorine or other acid liquids, as well as the sharp materials in order to remove the dirt.
Preserve, as usual as it’s necessary, the metallic parts of your casings with soft lubricants.
More specifically:
- Clean your casings 4 times per year or more, especially if you are in coastal areas or the casings are being exposed to a lot of dirt.
- Always start the cleaning from the top of the casing and down.
- Remove the dust with a brush with soft plastic fibres (common broom).
- Rinse with a detergent of neutral pH or only with water and wipe with a soft and clean cloth. The only you need is a soft cloth, soaked with lukewarm water and soap.
- Do not use squirting systems with pressure of liquid detergents, as well as other similar systems because they can lead to damage the surface.
- It’s recommended to clean your painted casings when there is no sunlight on them.
- Clean the external surface of the casings and especially the connection points (angles) once per month.
- Preserve, as often as it’s necessary, the rest metallic parts of your casings (e.g. handles) with common lubricants.
The manufacturer of your casings can recommend you the most suitable set of maintenance, depending on the lacquers he uses.
However, if occurs any problem, do not hesitate to ask the manufacturer for his advice.
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